Recruitment information
2024.04 GRAND OPEN
Clinic (planned)
General internal medicine / pediatrics / gynecology / ophthalmology / dermatology / dentistry, etc. (planned)
Clinic/Facilities (planned)
Clinic/Facilities (planned)
☆토요일, 일요일:9:00‐13:00、14:00‐17:00
☆토요일, 일요일:9:00‐13:00、14:00‐17:00
☆토요일, 일요일:9:00‐13:00、14:00‐17:00
※첫째, 세 번째, 다섯 번째 월요일은 아침에도 진료합니다.
☆토요일은 17:00부터
종합 접수・다언어 대응 컨시어지
※일요일・공휴일(구급에 따라) 각 의료기관에 준한다
If you come to see a doctor, come to the doctor agent office if you need help,
we will support you.
조제 약국
※일요일・공휴일(구급에 따라) 각 의료기관에 준한다
※클리닉 몰 안에서는 환자도 Wi-Fi를 이용할 수 있습니다
질병에 대하여
질병에 대하여
・설하 면역 요법(알레르겐 면역 요법)(Sublingual immunotherapy)
・기관지 천식(Bronchial Asthma)
・아토피 피부염(Atopic Dermatitis)
・머릿니(Head Lice)
・열성 경련(febrile convulsion)
・야뇨증(Nocturia (bed-wetting))
・크룹 증후군(Croup's Syndrome)
・돌발성 발진증(Exanthem Subitum)
・수두(전염성 연수종)(Water Warts (Molluscum Contagiosum))
・소아의 탈수(Dehydration of Children)
・바이러스성 위장염(Viral Gastroenteritis)
・엔테로바이러스 감염증 (손발입병, 헬판지나)(Enterovirus infection (hand-foot-and-mouth disease, herpangina)
・헤르페스 감염증
・식품 알레르기
・독감(Influenza Virus)
・코로나바이러스 감염증
・연쇄구균 감염증(Streptococcal Infection)
・아데노바이러스 감염증(Adenovirus infection (pool fever))
・RSV 감염증
・알레르기과(Allergy department)
・중증 천식 외래(Severe asthma outpatient clinic)
・신종 코로나바이러스 후유증 외래(COVID-19 sequelae outpatient clinic)
・내과 (순환기 내과, 소화기 내과 등)(Internal medicine(Cardiovascular medicine, Gastroenterology, etc.))
・생활 습관병(lifestyle-related diseases)
・여행 백신 센터(Travel vaccine center)
・독감 등의 일반 백신(General vaccines such as influenza)
・건강 검진(Health check)
・CT 검사・상부 소화관 내시경 검사 (위 내시경)(CT examination/upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (gastrocamera))
・자비 진료(AGA, ED, GLP1 의료 다이어트 등)(Self-pay medical treatment (AGA, ED, GLP1 medical diet, etc.))
・어지러움 / 현기증(Vertigo/Dizziness)
・기후에 따른 두통/일교차로 인한 피로(Weather-related Illnesses/Pain)
・경동맥 초음파 / 동맥경화 검사(Carotid Artery Echo/Arterioscleroscopy)
・만성 경막하 혈종(Chronic Subdural Hematoma)
・척추 및 척수 질환(Spine and Spinal Cord Diseases)
・특발성 정상압 수두증(Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus)
・뇌간부 수술(Brain Stem Cell Surgery)
・아기 두개골 교정 헬멧 치료 외래(Baby Craniofacial Correction Helmet Therapy Outpatient)
・고지혈증 / 지질 이상증(Excessive fat in blood/Dyslipidemia)
・통풍 / 고요산혈증(Gout/Hyperuricemia)
・보험 적용 고혈압 치료 보조 앱(Hypertension Treatment Assistance Application for Insurance Coverage)
・열사병 및 뇌경색(Heat stroke and cerebral infarction)
・한방 약 내과(Chinese Herbal Medicine)
・수면 무호흡증(Sleep apnea syndrome)
・꽃가루 알레르기 및 알레르기(Hay fever/Allergy)
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Our clinic mall is located near the Kita West Exit of Yokohama Station.
We provide medical care and childcare within THE YOKOHAMA FRONT.
The facility consists of Global Sky Commons, a hotel, serviced apartments, commercial facilities, etc. with international exchange functions, information dissemination functions, and cultural functions.
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Our clinic mall is located near the Kita West Exit of Yokohama Station.
We provide medical care and childcare within THE YOKOHAMA FRONT.
The facility consists of Global Sky Commons, a hotel, serviced apartments, commercial facilities, etc. with international exchange functions, information dissemination functions, and cultural functions.
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Our clinic mall is located near the Kita West Exit of Yokohama Station.
We provide medical care and childcare within THE YOKOHAMA FRONT.
The facility consists of Global Sky Commons, a hotel, serviced apartments, commercial facilities, etc. with international exchange functions, information dissemination functions, and cultural functions.
Medical Management Consultant