Recruitment information

2024.04 GRAND OPEN
Clinic (planned)
General internal medicine / pediatrics / gynecology / ophthalmology / dermatology / dentistry, etc. (planned)
Clinic/Facilities (planned)

Subiect medical:Chirurgie ortopedică, Dermatologie, Pediatrie,Departamentul de urgenta
Pediatrie URL:
Chirurgie ortopedică



※De asemenea, oferim tratament medical dimineața în prima, a treia și a cincea zi de luni a lunii.
Departamentul de urgenta

☆Sâmbăta de la ora 17:00
Subiect medical:Medicina interna, medicina respiratorie, medicina alergiilor

Subiect medical:dentară(Chirurgie generală, orală, ortodonție, pediatrie)

※Ultima recepție 17:30
Recepție generală,Concierge multilingv

※Duminică și sărbători (în funcție de urgență) în funcție de fiecare instituție medicală
If you come to see a doctor, come to the doctor agent office if you need help,
we will support you.

farmacie de eliberare

※Duminică și sărbători (în funcție de urgență) în funcție de fiecare instituție medicală
※Pacienții pot folosi, de asemenea, Wi-Fi în interiorul centrului comercial al clinicii.
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Our clinic mall is located near the Kita West Exit of Yokohama Station.
We provide medical care and childcare within THE YOKOHAMA FRONT.
The facility consists of Global Sky Commons, a hotel, serviced apartments, commercial facilities, etc. with international exchange functions, information dissemination functions, and cultural functions.
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Our clinic mall is located near the Kita West Exit of Yokohama Station.
We provide medical care and childcare within THE YOKOHAMA FRONT.
The facility consists of Global Sky Commons, a hotel, serviced apartments, commercial facilities, etc. with international exchange functions, information dissemination functions, and cultural functions.
Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project

Yokohama Station Kita West Exit Tsuruya District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project
Our clinic mall is located near the Kita West Exit of Yokohama Station.
We provide medical care and childcare within THE YOKOHAMA FRONT.
The facility consists of Global Sky Commons, a hotel, serviced apartments, commercial facilities, etc. with international exchange functions, information dissemination functions, and cultural functions.
Medical Management Consultant